Welcome to the Hangar!
I am Sparky and I started this page to once again experience the glory of the OG social network online - 90s web rings! I am re-learning basic HTML in the process. I hope this page can be somewhere for me to learn and also geek out about aviation and retro gaming, Tolkein, and post pictures of my cats Whiskey and Tango. This is all under construction so I hope to improve it a little bit here and there. I stream flight sim and retro gaming on Twitch HERE!
Soon, I will post some airplane and cat pictures as well as begin to document my exploration of Tolkein and also his Elvish languages. It can be tough to find time to update the site, but I'll try to do it at least monthly.
Some facts about my cats:
- Tango is a shorthaired American tabby, greyish with dark stripes and spots, with some brownish fur on his face and belly. He is a squishy big boi. His favorite toy is a handwoven narrow band that he drags off into the attic.
- Whiskey is also a shorthaired American tabby. He is orange with spots and stripes. He is very active and loves to chase the red dot from my laser pointer.
- Whiskey and Tango are brothers. They are always cuddling on one another and playing with eachother. They are so cute :).
Some facts about me:
- I fly a Cessna 162 for fun!
- I am an Electron Routing Consultant for work :P
Here is a list of some things my cats do to annoy me:
- Tango treats my leg like a scratching post and attacks my feet at night.
- Whiskey randomly jumps onto my shoulders or back when it is convenient for him. He also tries to eat my popcorn.
- Both cats like to jump onto my desk when I am flying in a flight sim program and head-butt the throttles, thereby shutting down the engines.
To help me (re)learn how to work with html, I am using: tutorials!
Please visit my Friends below!
Oldskooljay - awesome retro streamer and the reigning King of Janky Hardware, he has a Neocities page HERE!
... I will add more!
Here is a cool photo of Kenmore Air airplanes up on a Glacier